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Relive in real time how the vote count was and the results for the 2023 constitutional process.

Source: Emol

What you need to know

-The 50 members of the Constitutional Council (25 women and 25 men) are elected, who must draft a new Constitution for the country.

Composition of the lists:

List A: People’s Party (PDG).
List B (All for Chile): Party for Democracy (PPD), Christian Democracy (DC) and Radical Party (PR).
List C: Republican Party.
List D (Unit for Chile): Humanist Action, Social Convergence (CS), Comunes, Social Green Regionalist Front (FRVS), Communist Party (PC), Socialist Party (PS), Democratic Revolution (RD) and Liberal Party (PL) .
List E (Chile Seguro): Independent Democratic Union (UDI), National Renewal (RN) and Evópoli.


The Araucanía Region also experienced changes due to the parity rule.

Arturo Phillips, from the Chile Seguro party (I-UDI) achieved 12.36% (63,154 votes)
Germán Becker of the Chile Seguro (RN) party achieved 9.56% (48,865 votes)
Mario García of the Republican Party (REP) achieved 8.73% (44,641 votes)
Mariela Fincheira of the Republican Party (REP) achieved 6.71% (34,297 votes)

Kinturay Melin of the Unity for Chile (RD) party achieved 3.57% (18,267 votes)


Results in O’Higgins: Juan Sutil (13.79%) is left out due to the parity rule

Sebastián Figueroa, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 15.24% (82,640 votes)
Miguel Littin of the Unity for Chile (PS) party achieved 11.31% (61,344 votes)
Ivonne Mangelsdorff of the Chile Seguro (RN) party achieved 1.68% (9,134 votes)


Electoral participation reaches 78.35%: the second highest in history.

According to the Electoral Service in its last count, 11,871,127 votes were added. This is the second highest vote in history, behind the constitutional plebiscite of September 4, 2022.



The government spokesperson speaks

“The great challenge that the Constitutional Council has is to be able to dialogue, to be able to sit at the same table and reach those agreements that are not easy at all,” said Minister Camila Vallejo.



Gabriel Boric speaks

“Reaching agreements is by nature something difficult to achieve and sometimes in times of polarization it becomes intuitive (…) Citizens, I have no doubts, demand an even greater effort from us, which is that we get out of that position of comfort”, stated the President. “When the pendulum of history swings from one extreme to the other in a short time, it is always the most vulnerable populations that suffer from the confrontation between the elites,” added the ruler, who emphasized the need to solve the consequences of this pendulum movement.



The President Gabriel Boric speaks

From La Moneda, the President stressed that “our country once again uses dialogue to resolve its differences, because we have understood that democracy is strengthened with more democracy, and never with less.” Boric also sent a message to the new advisors: “As President of the Republic, on behalf of the State and the people of Chile, I invite you to act with wisdom and confidence.” The head of state recalled the previous failed constitutional process that, he assured, “failed, among other things, because we did not know how to listen to each other among those of us who think differently.” Along these lines, he appealed to the winners of the election: “I want to invite the Republican Party not to make the same mistake that we made.”



Change in Tarapacá: Unity for Chile adds another adviser

Ninoska Payauna, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 13.04% (14,652 votes)
Romina Ramos of the Unity for Chile (COM) party achieved 11.07% (12,435 votes)


Natalia Piergentili (PPD) speaks

The president of the PPD and losing candidate for the Constitutional Council, stated that “defeats must be received with humility, but not giving up on our convictions.” “We receive this result with humility, with the need for reflection,” she added. Regarding her party’s decision to go on another separate list from the ruling party, she stated that “as president of the PPD, the definition of going on two lists was set by the party table.” Likewise, she maintained that “any party definition will be taken within the party, as appropriate.”


The Todo por Chile list speaks Alberto Undurraga, president of the DC, stated that “it makes us reaffirm our convictions to continue working from the center-left to regain the trust of citizens.” “This encourages us to continue working for the next elections and in each of the processes,” he added. Regarding the decision to present himself on a separate list to the ruling party, he argued that “we believe that having a different list increased the number of Chilean men and women who can vote for the center left.” “Here there was a winner that is the Republican Party, we respect the verdict of the Chilean people, but it worries us,” he closed.



Jose Antonio Kast

“Very good night Chile, very good night Republicans… There is nothing to celebrate.

Because Chile is not well, Chileans are not well and that must be engraved in their hearts. For a few this choice seems very important. Today is not the time to be happy, but happy because we achieved an important goal, it is not time to divide the country, but to work together for the good of the country. Today millions of Chileans have gone to the polls to give a strong and clear signal of the course they want for the country. Today is the first day of a better future for our country. Chile has defeated a failed government.”


Deputy Juan Antonio Coloma (UDI) speaks

“Today we have a historic opportunity to give Chile a Constitution that makes common sense to the citizens (…) I think that in the main it is a giant defeat of Octobrism, of those who wanted to set Chile on fire and it is a gigantic triumph of the opposition”. Asked about the results, in which the Chile Seguro coalition obtained third place, the parliamentarian remarked that “the UDI today is the second most voted party in Chile and we believe we have a good opportunity.”


Juan Ignacio Latorre, RD helmsman

“The Republican Party did not sign the agreement, it did not want a new Constitution. Let’s see now what role Chile will have. Come on, are you going to put the music on? The Republican Party has been intransigent to the reforms. We will see in the next few days what it is the attitude, if there is a drunkenness of the right”



This is Gloria Hutt

In dialogue with Channel 13, the leader of Evópoli, who is being elected in the Metropolitan Region, thanked “all the people who trusted in the possibility that she could be a director.” According to the official results, the former Minister of Transportation is the only representative of Evópoli to be elected constitutional counselor.


Unit for Chile refers to the results

Paulina Vodanovic, president of the PS: “We are going to have to analyze with time within the parties. Our objective as a list is to reform that Chile needs a new Constitution, that the base of 12 ideas be respected and that we have a draft of Constitution that enshrines a rule of law”



The deputy Daniel Manouchehri (PS) speaks

“This is not the time to throw clothes out in the sun, but rather the time to look to the future so that we can all get out of this complex moment together,” says the head of the Socialist Party bench. The parliamentarian affirmed that “as a bench of the PS we believe that we did well, we were the party with the best votes in the coalition”, in any case, he added that “the biggest surprise we saw is that within the right the right has radicalized, from a right that looked towards the center to one that looked at Pinochetism”.


Magellan Region

Claudia Mac-Lean, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 12.38% (8,475 votes)
Jessica Bengoa of the Unity for Chile (CS) party achieved 11.98% (8,207 votes)

Aisén Region

Pilar Cuevas, from the Chile Seguro (RN) party, achieved 20.42% (2,805 votes)
Julio Nanco of the Unity for Chile (RD) party achieved 6.94% (953 votes)

Lakes Region

Beatriz Hevia, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 22.58% (30,891 votes)
Nancy Márquez of the Unity for Chile (CS) party achieved 8.60% (11,769 votes)
Juan Luis Ossa of the Chile Seguro party (I-RN) achieved 7.87% (10,762 votes)

River region

Jorge de la Maza, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 18.43% (13,170 votes)
Alejandro Köhler of the Unity for Chile (I-PS) party achieved 7.64% (5,462 votes)
Lorena Gallardo of the Chile Seguro party (I-RN) achieved 3.03% (2,165 votes)

Araucania region

Héctor Urban, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 14.17% (20,681 votes)
Arturo Phillips of the Chile Seguro party (I-RN) achieved 12.89% (18,810 votes)
Germán Becker of the Chile Seguro (RN) party achieved 9.54% (13,920 votes)
Mario García, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 8.87% (12,949 votes)
Raúl Allard of the Unity for Chile (PS) party achieved 3.21% (4,687 votes)

Bio bio region

Patricia Spoerer, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 14.65% (49,464 votes)
Aldo Sanhueza of the Republican Party (REP) achieved 12.26% (41,393 votes)
Germán Becker of the Unity for Chile (RD) party achieved 9.91% (33,468 votes)

Cloud Region

Cecilia Medina, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 15.22 (21,091 votes)
Carolina Navarrete of the Chile Seguro party (UDI) achieved 13.48% (18,682 votes)

Maule Region

Ricardo Ortega, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 11.15% (28,534 votes)
Miguel Rojas of the Republican Party (REP), achieved 9.20% (23,551 votes)
María Gatica of the Republican Party (REP), achieved 9.12% (23,350 votes)
Christian Suárez, from the Unity for Chile (I-PS) party, achieved 8.53% (21,826 votes)
Mario Undurraga of the Chile Seguro party (UDI) achieved 5.10% (13,043 votes)

O’Higgins Region

Sebastián Figueroa, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 15.43% (31,310 votes)
Juan Sutil from Chile Seguro (I-RN) achieved 13.62% (27,627 votes)

Littin of the Unity for Chile (PS) party achieved 11.44% (23,215 votes)

Metropolitan region

Luis Silva, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 18.93% (183,836 votes)
Karen Araya of the Unity for Chile Party (PC), achieved 11.76% (114,233 votes)
Yerko Ljubetic of the Unit for Chile (CS), achieved 7.22% (70,123 votes)
Gloria Hutt, from the Chile Seguro (EVO) party, achieved 7.07% (68,634 votes)
Jorge Ossandón Republican Party (REP) achieved 5.23% (50,795 votes)

Valparaiso Region

Antonio Barchiesi, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 20.73% (78,009 votes)
María Soledad Pardo, from the Unity for Chile Party (CS), achieved 10.15% (38,185 votes)
María de los Ángeles of the Republican Party (REP), achieved 6.68% (25,129 votes)
Aldo Valle, from the Unity for Chile (I-PS) party, achieved 6.43% (24,209 votes)
Edmundo Eluchans party Chile Seguro (UDI) achieved 5.35% (20,115 votes)

Coquimbo Region

Gloria Paredes, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 8.60% (10,432 votes)
Fernando Viveros of the Unity for Chile (PC) party achieved 7.13% (8,657 votes)
Gonzalo Pinochet of the Chile Seguro (UDI) party achieved 6.22% (7,548 votes)

Atacama Region

Paul Sfeir, of the Republican Party (REP) achieved 11.91% (4,208 votes)
Marcela Araya of the Unity for Chile (PS) party achieved 6.57% (2,323 votes)

Antofagasta Region

Carlos Solar, from the Republican Party (REP) achieved 19.10% (11,520 votes)
José González of the Unity for Chile (I-RD) party achieved 11.35% (6,846 votes)
Carmen Montoya of the Republican Party (REP) achieved 7.85% (4,733 votes)

Tarapaca Region

Ninoska Payauna of the Republican Party (REP) achieved 13.44% (4,186 votes)
Sebastián Parraguez of the Republican Party (REP) achieved 10.63% (3,312 votes)

Region of Arica and Parinacota

Diego Vargas of the Republican Party (REP) achieved 13.57% (3,314 votes)
Jocelyn Ormeño of the Unity for Chile (I-PS) party achieved 10.31% (2,518 votes)


With 17.86% of the votes, this is how the pacts are being distributed


For now, with 7.81%, 22 women would be elected, so the parity item should begin to govern



Diego Ibáñez, president of Social Convergence, speaks

“There is still a lot to scrutinize, there was a high participation of the citizens, we believe that regardless of the results, the desire is to build a transversal majority,” said the parliamentarian, after learning the preliminary results of this election. Ibáñez added that “I think it is legitimate that the public is very distant today” from the political class.



Deputy Gonzalo Winter (CS)

“The results are still not clear, we have very vague information on how many would enter by pact, by parity. The sum of Unidad’s votes for Chile are similar to those of the last parliamentary election, of the presidential election and to what came out in the polls” .



Regarding blocks in the RM

1.- Republican Party: 30.21%

2.- Unit for Chile: 29.14%

3.- Safe Chile: 27.44%



Republican Party reacts after early results

The president of the opposition group, Arturo Squella, affirms that “we take it easy, prudently” before the preliminary results of the Magallanes Region, which show them as the list with the most votes. “We hope that there will be a greater number of Republicans present, but it is preliminary. It remains to be able to draw conclusions,” said the leader, who in any case was “happy” about this scenario.



The closing of tables begins in Continental Chile After 6:00 p.m., the closing of tables begins in the rest of the country. Counting begins at some tables.